GEW Briefing
The Middle East\’s geopolitical landscape remains in a constant state of flux, characterised by intricate interconnections, deep-rooted historical grievances, and strategic alliances. The dynamic between Turkey and Israel stands out as a particularly captivating association within this geopolitical context. The once amicable alliance between them has significantly soured since the beginning of the 21st century, notably during the tenure of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
(1) The Acts
Gaza Freedom Flotilla and Marmara Incident
The Justice and Development Party (AKP) led by Erdogan has consistently expressed strong disapproval towards Israeli policies, particularly those about the Palestinian population. The memory of the 2010 Gaza Flotilla incident, in which a convoy led by Turkey sought to challenge the Israeli blockade on Gaza, remains vivid in the minds of the international community. The unfortunate event unfolded into a diplomatic imbroglio as the demise of nine Turkish activists aboard the Mavi Marmara, a vessel spearheading the flotilla, took place. Since that time, President Erdogan has consistently denounced Israeli actions in Palestine and has vowed unwavering support for the Palestinian cause.
Erdogan Unleashed Suggests Netanyahu is Nazi
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has reportedly characterised the situation in Gaza as a Holocaust. In a recent address delivered in Istanbul, President Erdogan drew a parallel between Israel\’s military operations in Gaza and the Holocaust, asserting that Israel has been engaging in flagrant war crimes for a period of 22 days. He went on to draw a comparison between Israel\’s actions and the tragic genocide perpetrated by the Nazis against the Jewish population. Moreover, he asserted, \”Historically, the Jewish people were subjected to mass extermination within gas chambers, while entire regions were decimated through the use of bombs.\” The current situation in Gaza exhibits a comparable mindset [[1]].
Israelis Are Inhuman
Erdogan, in his strongest comments yet on the Gaza conflict, said, “the Palestinian militant group Hamas was not a terrorist organisation but a liberation group fighting to protect Palestinian lands” [[2]], in contrast with the stances of other NATO leaders who claim it is a terrorist organisation. Erdogan has voiced strong criticism regarding Israel\’s actions, asserting that the blockade and persistent assaults on Gaza are devoid of humanity[[3]]. In an official declaration on the 28th of October, President Erdogan urged Israel to halt its military operations in Gaza. He expressed concern over the escalating Israeli airstrikes, which have reportedly inflicted harm upon women, children, and unarmed civilians, thereby exacerbating the already dire humanitarian situation [[4]].
Accusing Israel of exhibiting characteristics akin to a gang rather than a sovereign entity, he has cancelled a forthcoming visit to Tel Aviv, initially scheduled for later this year [[5]].
On the 28th of October, President Erdogan attended a pro-Palestinian rally in Istanbul, where he unequivocally denounced Israel as a war criminal and levelled accusations of committing war crimes against the Palestinians [[6]]. Furthermore, he voiced his disapproval of Western nations\’ failure to denounce Israel\’s actions in Gaza [[7]]. Nevertheless, it is necessary to highlight that Erdogan has advocated for a resumption of two-state negotiations as the sole avenue towards achieving peace between Israel and the Palestinians. This stance will remain the focal point of Turkish strategy and diplomacy throughout the ongoing conflict [[8]].
(2) The Facts
Since the Gaza Flotilla incident in 2010, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has consistently adopted a robust position vis-à-vis Israeli policies about Palestinians. This stance has found resonance among his domestic Islamist constituency [[9]].
The Biden administration
Against the prevailing geopolitical landscape, Turkey finds itself deftly manoeuvring amidst the intricate web of its associations within the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) and its consequential alliances with the Russian Federation. The Biden administration\’s recent emphasis on human rights is just demagogy to pressure Erdogan, who seems unleashed.
The Biden administration\’s evolving Middle East policy in the United States, which places a greater emphasis on helping Netanyahu achieve his victory over 2 million people isolated and besieged, even at the price of genocide, makes Erdogan the Hero and the Champion of the Palestinian people and the Muslim world.
[1] \”Israel Recalls Diplomats from Turkey After Erdogan Compares Gaza to Holocaust,\” The Telegraph, last modified October 28, 2023,
[2]\”Turkey\’s Erdogan Says Hamas is Not Terrorist Organisation, Cancels Trip to Israel.\” Reuters. Last modified October 25, 2023.
[3]Holly Dagres, \”Erdogan Leans on Israel, Pushes for Post-war Role in Gaza,\” Atlantic Council, last modified October 30, 2023,
[4] \”Israel is Reassessing Diplomatic Relations with Turkey Due to Leader\’s \’increasingly Harsh\’ Remarks,\” AP News, last modified October 28, 2023,
[5] \”Turkey’s Erdogan Scraps Israel Trip over ‘inhumane’ Gaza War,\” Al Jazeera, last modified October 25, 2023,
[6] \”Turkish President Erdogan Champions the Palestinian Cause, Fiercely Attacks Israel,\” Le, last modified October 30, 2023,
[7] \”Turkey’s Erdogan Calls Israeli Siege and Bombing of Gaza a ‘massacre’,\” Al Jazeera, last modified October 11, 2023,
[8] Dagres, Holly. \”Erdogan Leans on Israel, Pushes for Post-war Role in Gaza.\” Atlantic Council. Last modified October 30, 2023.
[9] Johnson, R. (2023). \”Erdogan\’s Domestic Balancing Act: Islamism and Nationalism.\” Turkish Studies.
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