Category: Diplomacy
Book Release / Diplomacy / Geopolitics / GEW Essays / GEW Intelligence Unit / Our Books
“Masters of Realpolitik: Pioneers and Practitioners”
Author: GEW Intelligence Unit Hichem Karoui (Editor) Publisher: Global East-West. London (January 22, 2025) Pages:226 Dimensions: 5.500″ x 8.500″ (216mm x 140mm) “Masters of Realpolitik: Pioneers and Practitioners” delves deep into […]
Bonnes Feuilles / Diplomacy / Histoire politique / Nos livres
Bourguiba ou Nasser ? Un traité de politique arabe entre réalisme et idéologie
Auteur : Hichem Karoui Global East-West, basée à Londres, publiera bientôt le livre en arabe, en anglais et en français. Résumé du livre : L’auteur explore les relations complexes et souvent controversées […]
Collection: The Voice of the Mediterranean / Diplomacy / Extracts / Mediterranean / Our Books / Politics
Bourguiba Or Nasser? A Treatise On Arab Politics Between Realism and Ideology
Author: Hichem Karoui The London-based Global East-West will soon publish the book in Arabic, English, and French. Book synopsis: The book explores the complex and often controversial relationship between Habib Bourguiba and […]
Books / Collection: The Voice of the Mediterranean / Diplomacy / France / Non-Fiction
France’s Arab Policy: From De Gaulle to Macron
The Voice of The Mediterranean (South France)/Global East-West (London): Dive deep into the intricate history and complexities of France’s Arab policy with the upcoming release of Dr. Hichem Karoui’s insightful book, France’s […]
Diplomacy / Memoirs / Non-Fiction / Our Books / Society
New Book Diplomatic Dilemmas and Cultural Insights Offers Rare Glimpse into the World of Diplomacy and Cultural Understanding
As you open the pages of Diplomatic Dilemmas and Cultural Insights: Memoirs of a Libyan Ambassador\’s Wife by Latifa al-Mabrouk, prepare to embark on a profound journey that offers invaluable insights into […]
La Chine, la Russie, les Etats Unis et Et L’avenir De La Géopolitique
Auteur: GEW Intelligence Unit Éditeur : Global East-West. London (28 janvier 2025) Langue : Français Relié : 550 pages La Chine, La Russie, Les États-Unis Et […]
Tribal Histories and Social Structures in the Gulf
Author: Dr Hichem Karoui. Volume 4 in the Series “Knowledge of the Gulf”. Publisher: Global East-West. London. Pages: 272 Size: 6X9 inches Abstract: In “Tribal Histories and Social Structures in the Gulf,” […]
Essays / Extracts / Health / New Release / Our Books / Social Sciences and Humanities
Presentation and Extracts From “Hysteria”: Dr. Rani Chawla’s Groundbreaking Exploration of History and Mental Health
Hysteria: A Journey Through History And Mental Health Author: Dr Rani Chawla “Mental Disorders”: A Global East-West Series Global East-West (London) 220 pages (5.5X8.5) $76.88 (hardcover) In a timely and essential contribution […]
Groundbreaking Analysis of Qatari Foreign Policy Unveiled in New Book by Hichem Karoui
London, UK – In a timely contribution to the discourse on Middle Eastern geopolitics, Hichem Karoui’s new book, *The Evolution Of Qatari Foreign Policy*, was released on July 24, 2024. Published by […]
Essais / GEW Intelligence Unit
Le monde au bord du gouffre: G7 et BRICS en quête de domination
Essais / Nos livres
La Chine, la Russie, les Etats Unis et Et L’avenir De La Géopolitique
Essais / Nos livres
Ambassadeurs de la technologie: Un pont entre les gouvernements et la technologie de pointe
Essais / Nos livres
Le pouvoir des petits États: La diplomatie dans l’arène mondiale
Essais / Nos livres
Naviguer dans l’incertitude: L’avenir de la gouvernance et de l’influence mondiales
Book Release / Essays / Exploring The Unseen / Our Books
All About Telepathy (EXCERPT)