A Sociopolitical Analysis
Dr Hichem Karoui
Military coups in Africa, a recurring issue in the continent\’s postcolonial history, have piqued the interest of academics, policymakers, and observers worldwide. The phenomenon\’s prevalence has been attributed to numerous variables. According to some researchers, the history of colonialism and the arbitrary borders imposed by European powers resulted in ethnically diverse states, making governance difficult. Furthermore, economic constraints, a lack of democratic traditions, and Cold War politics all played essential roles in the power dynamics of many African countries. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach incorporating political science, history, and sociology is critical for understanding African military coups. This enables a more nuanced examination of the various reasons for each coup, going beyond simple numbers.
This paper explores these variables, providing a concise and focused overview.
[real3dflipbook pdf=\”http://g-ew.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Why-do-so-many-military-coups-occur-in-Africa.pdf\” mode=\”normal\”]
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