Israeli Impact on Western Support
Ukraine: The Forgotten War
Israeli Impact on Western Support delves into the little-discussed geopolitical tensions surrounding Ukraine’s conflict, shedding light on the often-overlooked role of Israel in shaping Western support for the war-torn nation. With a serious and thought-provoking tone, this book examines how Ukraine has become a battleground for regional powers and global players seeking to influence its future. Through meticulous research and analysis, the GEW Reports & Analyses Team explores the complexities of this forgotten war, uncovering the impact of Israel’s involvement on Western policies and alliances. This timely and compelling work challenges readers to reassess their understanding of international conflicts and power dynamics, making it essential reading for anyone seeking a deeper insight into the complex geopolitical landscape of Eastern Europe.
Copyright © [2023] by [GEW Reports & Analyses Team] Under the Supervision of Dr Hichem Karoui
Collection: Geopolitics
ISBN (Ebook): 978-1-78795-082-5
ISBN (Print): 978-1-78795-081-8
Trim Sizes: 5X8
123 pages.
Available on D2D to various retailers
And Amazon
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