GEW Reports & Analyses Collection: Resistances
Why do so many outstanding Jewish brains (Einstein, Marx, Freud, Asimov, Arendt, Chomsky, etc.) oppose Zionism and Israel? Because they are aware of the covert alliance between Zionism and fascism. While exploring and analysing the themes of resistance throughout history, this book sheds light on these truths that the Israeli state and its Western patrons have kept hidden.
Some of the main topics addressed:
- The book argues that there was a “secret liaison” and alliance between certain Zionist leaders and fascist regimes, especially Mussolini’s Italy, during the pre-World War II period.
- It contends that pragmatic Zionist leaders like Ze’ev Jabotinsky collaborated with Mussolini out of self-interest despite ideological differences. They sought support for Jewish emigration and colonisation of Palestine.
- The book particularly highlights the 1933 Haavara Agreement as an example of Zionist-Nazi collaboration. This allowed some Jewish emigration from Germany in exchange for Zionist economic support of the Nazi regime.
- It argues this represented an “original sin” that compromised the moral foundations of Zionism due to collaboration with fascists and Nazis.
- The book argues that political Zionism has strong parallels with European colonialism and should be resisted on similar moral grounds. It views Zionism as a form of settler colonialism imposed on the indigenous Palestinian population.
- It contends that the Zionist movement strategically aligned itself with various imperialist powers to advance its colonial ambitions in Palestine, including Britain and later the United States.
- The book is highly critical of the collusion between Zionism and imperialism, arguing it undermines the moral legitimacy of the Zionist project in Palestine.
- It asserts that the Zionist occupation and oppression of Palestinians should be recognised as a grave injustice and condemned, just as the South African apartheid eventually was.
The book explores the concept of resistance. Here are some topics analysed:
- Anti-communism was a major form of ideological resistance, especially in the United States. This included McCarthyism and the Red Scare, where individuals and groups suspected of communist ties were targeted.
- Dissident movements arose within communist countries, pushing back against authoritarian rule and restrictions on civil liberties. Examples include the Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia in 1968 and the Solidarity movement in Poland in the 1980s.
- Student protest movements in the 1960s opposed both capitalism and communism. Groups like the New Left advocated for a more egalitarian society not defined by the Cold War binary.
- Decolonisation movements in Asia, Africa and Latin America resisted both superpowers’ attempts to influence and control newly independent countries. Leaders like Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam and Fidel Castro in Cuba embraced communism but asserted national autonomy.
- The civil rights, anti-war, and feminist movements in the U.S. challenged the political and social status quo. Activists resisted forms of oppression and inequality rooted in capitalist systems.
- Artists, writers, and intellectuals used culture as a form of resistance. Figures like Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Václav Havel criticised totalitarianism and censorship in their writings.
- Religious groups like the Catholic Church in Poland and Liberation Theology movements in Latin America resisted communist restrictions on religion.
The book is the first volume of a collection: “Resistances”.
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About This Collection: Resistances
In this compelling and thought-provoking collection of books labelled “Resistances,” produced by GEW Reports & Analyses, we embark on an immersive voyage through the rich tapestry of history, unveiling the heroic narratives of movements that steadfastly resisted the waves of oppression, colonisation, and exploitation. Beyond being a mere historical account, this collection is a tribute to the unbreakable spirit of resistance reverberating across the globe — from the bustling streets of North Africa and the Middle East to the far corners where Buddhist and Marxist ideologies intertwined with the quest for emancipation.
Each volume within this collection is a dedicated exploration of a distinct nation: Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, but also the USA (civil rights struggle), China (100 years of humiliation), South Africa ( Apartheid), Vietnam, Indochina, India, among others, delving deeply into their distinctive struggles against a shared antagonist — the imperialist West. The narrative transcends conflicts; it offers an illuminating journey into how ideologies such as Islam, Marxism, and Buddhism have acted as catalysts and guiding philosophies for these remarkable movements.
This collection’s heart lies in the enduring struggle in Palestine, set against a broader historical and geopolitical canvas backdrop. The Palestinian resistance against Israeli occupation, depicted here as an extension of Western imperialism, is presented with profound insight and perspective, challenging conventional narratives. This collection fearlessly confronts the dissonance between the West’s professed ideals of democracy and human rights and its actions, often at odds with these principles.
“Resistances” serves a dual purpose. Firstly, it serves as an educational beacon, enlightening younger generations about the often unspoken stories of people living under the yoke of colonisation and their relentless pursuit of freedom. Secondly, it seeks to shed light on the injustices perpetrated by Western powers, offering a critical examination of their support for expansionist and oppressive policies while categorising those who resist as ‘terrorists’, despite international law recognising the right to resist occupation.
Is Hamas and other Palestinian organisations that resist the military occupation “terrorist” organisations? No, they are not. The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) has explicitly affirmed the right of Palestinians to resist Israel’s military occupation, including through armed struggle. This right was affirmed in the context of the right to self-determination of all peoples under foreign and colonial rule. Some of the most relevant UN resolutions on this matter include:
UNGA Resolution 3314 (1974) affirmed the right of self-determination, freedom, and independence for all “peoples under colonial and racist regimes or other forms of alien domination.” It affirmed the “right of these peoples to struggle to that end and to seek and receive support.”[1]
UNGA Resolution 37/43 (1982) reaffirmed the “inalienable right” of the Palestinian people “and all peoples under foreign and colonial domination” to self-determination. It also reiterates the legitimacy of “the struggle of peoples for […] liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle.”[2]
Similar principles have been repeated in numerous other UNGA resolutions. Although UNGA resolutions are not legally binding, they “accurately reflect the customary international legal opinion among the majority of the world’s sovereign states.”[3]
In international law, the right to resist is closely related to the principle of self-determination. It is widely recognised that a right to self-determination arises in situations of colonial domination, foreign occupation, and racist regimes that deny a segment of the population political participation. All this applies to the Israeli occupation of Palestine.
For instance, international law legitimises Palestinian attempts to resist Israeli oppression [4]. The International Bill of Human Rights also implicitly teaches the right to resist oppression. The preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that it is essential for human rights to be protected by the rule of law to prevent individuals from resorting to rebellion against tyranny and oppression [5].
Anti-colonial movements, a form of resistance against colonial rule, have been instrumental in the struggle for self-determination in colonised countries (Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt, Sudan, China, Vietnam, etc.) These movements have often been concerned with the world that decolonised nations were to inherit collectively[6].
The right to resist oppression and colonisation is a fundamental human right recognised in international law and human rights instruments. Nothing could change this fact, even if the USA and Europe, still clinging to their old imperialist traditions, stand alone on the planet against the Right to Resist until the end of times.
This collection is a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the unwavering quest for freedom and justice. It is a scholarly opus, meticulously researched and presented. Yet, it is also a narrative that speaks to the soul, serving as a reminder of the universal values of liberty and dignity. As the editor and publisher, I am honoured to introduce this “Resistances” collection, firmly believing that it will inspire our readers, encouraging them to view history and contemporary events through a lens of nuanced comprehension and empathy.
We extend a warm invitation to embark on this extraordinary journey through “Resistances,” where you will uncover the hitherto untold tales of courage, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of justice that have profoundly shaped our world.
Hichem Karoui
Senior Researcher and Editor of the “Resistances” collection.
London, 24 November 2023
UNGA resolution 3314, “Definition of Aggression,” December 14, 1974.
UNGA resolution 37/43, “Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights,” December 3, 1982.
John Sigler, “Palestine: Legitimate Armed Resistance vs. Terrorism,” Electronic Intifada, May 17 2004.
Werleman, Cj. “International Law Guarantees Palestinians the Right to Resist.” International law guarantees Palestinians the right to resist, May 28, 2018.
United Nations. “Universal Declaration of Human Rights | United Nations,” n.d.
Elam, J. Daniel. Global South Studies, U.Va. “Anticolonialism,” n.d.
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