Colours of Meditation

Discover how to unlock your spiritual and creative potential with a combination of poetry and Mandalas. Explore meditation, love, peace and focus while unlocking your innermost creativity.

Poetry and Mandalas have existed for millennia, offering solace and inspiration to those who enjoy the beauty of both art forms. Mandalas are elaborate, often circular patterns that may be utilised for meditation or reflection. Similarly, poetry is an artistically beautiful manner of expressing emotions or ideas via the use of music, images, and other poetic instruments.

This book is a thorough investigation of the spiritual and creative potential of combining poetry and meditation inside a space-time geometry based on Maya-Aztec and/or Hindu-Buddhist patterns. As we know, Mandala is a multi-dimensional symbolic representation. It is both a visual representation and a metaphorical tool, representing the universe and its components within the circle of life. The term \’mandala\’ is derived from a Sanskrit word which means \’circle\’ or \’discoid object\’. It consists of concentric circles or squares, each representing an aspect of the individual\’s journey towards spiritual enlightenment.

In Jungian psychology, a Mandala symbolises wholeness, representing the unconscious self and its various components. The Mandala serves as an archetypal image that conveys the integration of opposites within the unconscious and conscious realms of the psyche. It represents the individual\’s inner journey towards individuation, or self-actualization, in order to achieve harmony and balance. A Mandala is thus an archetypal symbol that has its roots in various religious and spiritual practices. It is typically seen as a circular figure encompassed by four or more cardinal directions or points, though it can sometimes be represented as a square or other shape.

Throughout this book, the poet investigates the spiritual and creative potential of combining poetry and meditation inside a space-time geometry based on ancient patterns. This collection of poetry with Mandalas is intended to assist readers to develop a deeper feeling of meditation and inner calm. Through vibrant visuals and lyrical comments, Madala\’s Flowers illustrates the dimensions of being in ancient cultures that possessed a feeling of connectivity between earth and sky. The book inspires us to take a fresh look at the world and explore the spiritual essence that exists inside each of us. It is the poet\’s goal that this collection will reconnect us with our history while also inspiring us to look beyond our own boundaries for a brighter future.


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The Morning of the Mogul

November 22, 2022