A new book by GEW Intelligence Unit aims to provide an in-depth understanding of this multi-layered struggle in a world where the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues to capture global attention. Israel’s Enduring Predicament: The Roads That Lead Nowhere delves into the historical grievances, political aspirations, and competing claims to land, resources, and sovereignty perpetuating this enduring conflict. The book’s timely release comes at a crucial moment when tensions in the region are escalating again, making it essential reading for anyone seeking to comprehend the complexities of this ongoing struggle.
Authored by a team of renowned scholars and experts in Middle Eastern affairs, this comprehensive guide offers a balanced and nuanced exploration of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Through meticulous research and insightful analysis, the book provides readers with a deeper insight into the root causes of the conflict and its implications for regional stability. By examining historical contexts, contemporary developments, and potential pathways to resolution, this book is an invaluable resource for policymakers, academics, journalists, and anyone interested in understanding one of the world’s most enduring conflicts.
Israel’s Enduring Predicament: The Roads That Lead Nowhere is now available worldwide for purchase from leading bookstores.
Editor: Hichem Karoui
269 pages
Collection: Geopolitics
Ebook and Paperback
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