GEW Briefing
Shengen is perhaps finished. Eleven countries re-establish border control. The EU is scared of the revenge of those it wronged, as it sided with the Israeli government in its blind mass-killing of innocents in Gaza. That\’s odd! Because when Europe sided with an Israeli government blinded by a thirst for revenge, Europe did not consider the interests of its people – those who had nothing to do with the conflict in the Middle East and asked only for peace. Many of those people demonstrated on the streets of all European cities, shouting slogans against the governments that betrayed them. People did not elect those in charge to justify and even encourage the Israeli genocide in Palestine. It was more honourable for the European governments to defend the victims of 75 years of oppression. Instead, they preferred to side with Israeli fascism. And now, they are afraid there will be blood in Europe, too. Did they not know that siding with injustice could have consequences?
The Schengen Area, which allows for free movement across 26 European countries, faces challenges as Eleven countries have temporarily reintroduced border controls. These countries include Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia.
The Schengen Borders Code (SBC) allows member states to temporarily reintroduce border control at the internal borders in the event of a serious threat to public policy or security.
However, this is considered a measure of last resort and should be restricted to the bare minimum needed to respond to the threat in question.
As for the EU\’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, it is a complex issue with differing views among member states. The EU, self-identifying with the Israeli narrative, has condemned the use of hospitals and civilians as human shields by Hamas and urged Israel to show \”maximum restraint\” to protect civilians. Did the Israelis show any evidence of what they pretend? Didn\’t we see enough on the TV screen to condemn the abject slaughtering of men, women and children? How about the journalists and their families? Are they also human shields for Hamas?
Now, the new job of the EU is to justify the genocide. Bravo! You joined the new wave of fascism coming from Israel. Netanyahu is your leader, or should we say \”fuhrer\”… \”Duci\”…? Do you think the thousands killed will not talk? No, you are now aware they will, and you will hear their voices. And you will not sleep at night.
However, there has been criticism of the EU\’s response to the ongoing hostilities, with some arguing that the EU\’s position has exposed double standards and raised questions about its commitment to international law.
The EU is happy only with Palestinians becoming sheep, easily driven to slaughter. But the new generation of sheep are wolves. They are called Al-Aqsa Vanguard. They are fierce fighters, and they showed it. The Israeli soldiers do not match them. For the Al-Aqsa Vanguard Fedayeen fight for the honour of liberating their fatherland or dying as martyrs.
The EU\’s backing for Israel and its military response in Gaza has been criticised in Europe itself for undermining European credibility in large parts of the world. We are analysts and know that the EU\’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the temporary reintroduction of border controls in the Schengen Area are not separate issues. The reintroduction of border controls is a response to national security concerns related to the possibility of revenge as a consequence of the EU\’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Is the European Union\’s stance on the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza reflecting the diverse views of its member states? Do a few member states hijack the EU decision? We need answers to these questions because the EU seems about to implode. The EU has condemned the use of hospitals and civilians as human shields by Hamas! That\’s an immoral justification of a massive war crime.
EU… You are still trying to protect the criminal instead of defending the victims. Where are your so-called values?
Should we be happy because a unified EU response to the war is lacking, highlighting divisions among member states\’ foreign policies? So, there is still hope that some governments are more scrupulous than others. What a defeat for European democracies!
The EU has also called for a \”humanitarian pause\” in the conflict to allow more aid supplies into Gaza. Oh! Really? What did they do for it? Did Netanyahu pay attention? Did he say \”okay\” or \” go to… (where you know)\”?
This call, we are said, is \”in line with the EU\’s commitment to uphold international humanitarian law and its efforts to provide humanitarian support to the most vulnerable people.\”Does the EU know who is the most vulnerable people? Not so sure, because Israel still has \”the right to self-defence\”! And we did not see many leaders in Europe condemning that same \”right to self-defence\” as genocide. There are few all the same. But their voices, so far, have been drowned in the din of continual war.
The EU\’s overarching backing for Israel, and consequently for its military response in Gaza, has undermined European credibility in large parts of the world.
This backing is seen as a violation of the norms of international law that the EU wishes to uphold.
While the Schengen Area is facing challenges with the temporary reintroduction of border controls, the EU\’s stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict does not reflect the diverse views of its member states.
This situation cannot be conducive to a united Humanistic and democratic Europe. The worst is maybe still ahead.
We\’ll be happy if they show us we are wrong.
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