Category: UK
Europe / Featured / Middle East / Palestine-Israel / Research Paper / UK / USA / World Affairs
The Devil in the Pact: \”Ethics\” of Western Support for Israeli Actions in Gaza
Research Paper Dr Hichem Karoui Abstract: The text explores the moral complexities of Western support for Israeli actions in Gaza and raises questions about the ethics and legitimacy of such support. It […]
Europe / Geopolitics / GEW Essays / Middle East / Palestine-Israel / Russia / UK / USA / World Affairs
Geopolitical Machinations and Global Impact: Unraveling the Nexus of Ukraine, Russia, and the Middle East Crisis
Preface For a Book by GEW Reports & Analyses Team: Ukraine: The Forgotten War The geopolitical landscape has recently been fraught with intricate power plays, prompting widespread concern and debate. The intertwining […]
GEW Essays & Reports / Middle East / Palestine-Israel / UK / World Affairs
Yearning For The Old Colonial Days?
GEW Essays & Reports by: Hichem Karoui Summary Contributions of the Paper: – The paper discusses the deployment of UK military assets to the Eastern Mediterranean \”to support Israel, reinforce regional […]
Blog / Europe / Middle East / Opinion / Palestine-Israel / UK / USA
Western Governments\’ Superb Ventriloquism: Applauding the Gaza Massacre
by Hichem Karoui Oh, how marvelous it is to witness the exquisitely choreographed performance of Western governments as they gracefully execute their artful silence during the ongoing massacre in Gaza. Truly, […]
Labyrinthes de l’infini: La vie et l’univers littéraire de Jorge Luis Borges
Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986), titan de la littérature argentine, a redéfini les frontières de la fiction, de la philosophie et de la poésie avec ses récits labyrinthiques et ses enquêtes métaphysiques. Maître […]
Essais / Biographie / Essais critiques / Nos livres
Labyrinths Of Infinity: The Life And Literary Universe Of Jorge Luis Borges
The book titled Labyrinths Of Infinity: The Life And Literary Universe Of Jorge Luis Borges provides an insightful exploration into the profound life and intricate literary works of the esteemed author, Jorge […]
La Chine, la Russie, les Etats Unis et Et L’avenir De La Géopolitique
Auteur: GEW Intelligence Unit Éditeur : Global East-West. London (28 janvier 2025) Langue : Français Relié : 550 pages La Chine, La Russie, Les États-Unis Et […]
Tribal Histories and Social Structures in the Gulf
Author: Dr Hichem Karoui. Volume 4 in the Series “Knowledge of the Gulf”. Publisher: Global East-West. London. Pages: 272 Size: 6X9 inches Abstract: In “Tribal Histories and Social Structures in the Gulf,” […]
Bonnes Feuilles / Nos livres
De partenaires à rivaux? La dynamique évolutive de l’Amérique et de l’Europe
Book Release / GEW Humanities' Group / World Literature
Le Dieu de beaucoup de choses: La vie et l’œuvre d’Arundhati Roy
Our Books / World Literature
The God Of Many Things: The Life And Works Of Arundhati Roy
Book Release / Non-Fiction / World Literature
Annie Ernaux: Writing Memory, Class, And Womanhood
Collection: Littératures du monde / Cultures
Annie Ernaux: Écrire la mémoire, la classe et la féminité
Collection: Littératures du monde / Cultures
Annie Ernaux: Écrire la mémoire, la classe et la féminité
New Release / Our Books / World Literature
Tropic Of Genius: Exploring The World Of Henry Miller